What means “Handling Task”
Simplifier Workflows allows creating “Handover to User” Task, akka “Human Task” or “User Task”.
It enables the workflow designer, to delegate task that cannot be fully automated to a member and/or group into your organization.
By using the Launchpad Inbox, the enduser of simplifier are able to work with this task.
Open Tasks
Task that are not claimed by a specific simplifier user are listed in the following view:
By click into a certain task, you can claim and process this task
Click on “Claim” to assign the task to you. “Unclaim” release the assignment and another group member can claim the task again.
Finish the task by entering information and/or choose the right outcome by clicking the appropiate button in the right corner in the bottom.
View my personal Task
To only view task, that already claimed by your logged in user, simplifier task inbox offers the “Mine” view
Finished Task
To view the log of finished task, Simplifier offers the “Finished” view: