Intro App Links
Through App Links you can launch specific Simplifier business applications via Deep Links / URL. Use this feature to crosslink different business applications on your mobile device. You can use Deep Links within the Simplifier Client or any mobile browser.
simplifierclient:// | Url schema used by the Simplifier Client. If the client is installed, the system will open it. |
<action> | Possible values:
appDirect: Launches a business app, where value is the app name. apptest: Launches a business app OPA5 test scenario, where value is the app name. |
<value> | The value for the action. |
<param>=<value> | URL arguments passed to the app or test. |
Launch a Business App
The following link launches the simplifier client if installed, runs the app “Simplifier_Explored” and passes some parameters with values.
Test a Business App
The following link launches the simplifier client and runs the OPA5 test of the app “Simplifier_Explored”.
- Simplifier Client needs to be installed
- if client is not running, client will be startet and user has to login
- shows popup with countdown when a link was clicked
- url-launch is higher prioritized than automatic app-launch
- if client is already running with a business app, nothing will happen to prevent misbehavior in app lifecyle
- shows warning if desired app is not installed
- if autoupdate before launch is enabled, the business app will be updated before launch
- broken or non valid links are not beeing processed