Permissions for modeling Workflows within a Project
All Permissions for modeling workflows are configurable in a project role
Scope | Activity | Description |
Workflow in Project | Create | Right to create new workflow models. You need also view and assign permission for creating workflows, too. |
Workflow in Project | Edit | Edit existing workflow models |
Workflow in Project | View | View (Read-Only) existing workflow models |
Workflow in Project | Delete | Delete existing workflow models (only possible if no instances are running anymore) |
Current Project | Assign | Assign Workflow to a existing project |
Permissions for executing and monitoring Workflows within a Project
All Permissions for executiong Worklfows are configurable in a business role.
Scope | Activity | Description |
Workflow in Project | Monitor | Permission for using the Workflow Monitoring logs for all assigned workflow models in a project |
Workflow in Project | Administrate Instances | Permission for stoping, resuming or terminating all workflow instances for all assigned workflows in a project |
Workflow in Project | Execute | Permission for starting the assigned workflows in a project |
Workflow: <WorkflowName> | Monitor | Permission for using the Workflow Monitoring logs for this specific workflow |
Workflow: <WorkflowName> | Administrate Instances | Permission for stoping, resuming or terminating all workflow instances from this specific workflow |
Workflow: <WorkflowName> | Execute | Permission for starting the specific workflow |
Permission for starting Workflow Instances (All Workflows)
All Permission of starting / executing workflow instances are configurable in a global administrator role or business role
Scope | Activity | Description |
Workflows | Administrate Instances | Permission for starting, stoping, resuming or terminating all workflow instances within a simplifier instance (global scope) |
Permission for monitoring Workflow Instances (All Workflows)
All Permission for monitoring and administration of running workflow instances are configurable in a global administrator role or business role
Scope | Activity | Description |
Workflows | Monitor | Permission for using the Workflow Monitoring logs for all workflows within a simplifier instance (global scope) |
Workflows | Administrate Instances | Permission for starting, stoping, resuming or terminating all workflow instances within a simplifier instance (global scope) |
Workflow Permission Guideline
The following guideline gives you a rough idea how you can integrate workflow design- & runtime access within your organization and government concept:
When.. | Use | For |
An Appbuilder or Citizen (Developer) wants to model workflow | Project Role Citizen Developer | Assigning in to corresponding Team Members |
A local Process Owner wants to monitor his workflows | Business Role for e.g. Process Owner Invoices | assigning the monitor and administrate permissions for specific workflow or all assigned workflows |
A global IT Support wants to monitor all running workflow instances | Global Role like SF_Administrator | assigning the monitor and administrate rights for all workflows within the simplifier instance |