This section contains a description of all possible websocket requests for an asynchronous connector (For now only the subscription and unsubscription are documented).
Subscription Request
This request subscribes the websocket to an asynchronous connector and will receive messages from it.
var request = null;
request = {
"frameType": "subscribe",
"json": [requestData]
Unsubscription Request
This request unsubscribes the websocket from an asynchronous connector and will not receive messages from it any more. Whether the connector stops working or not depends on the connector implementation.
var request = null;
request = {
"frameType": "unsubscribe",
"subscriptionKey": [requestUUID]
A unique String, which acts as the identification key.
An example key might be “bb827118-f1b0-2170-9937-f8c7e1620107”.
A JSON object, which will be sent to the respective connector. Examples can be found here and here.