Input Parameters
For the Browse connector call, you need to configure the “operationType “, the “browseDirection” and the “nodeId“(consisting of 2 mandatory parameters: “identifier” and “namespaceIndex” and one optional parameter: “identifierType”). Using the “nodeClassFilter” parameter it is also possible to optionally limiting the result list to necessary values.
operationType: Defines which operation you want to execute, in this case, “BROWSE”.
Parameter Name: operationType
Constant Value: BROWSE
Data Type: String
browseDirection: Specifies the direction in which the hierarchical listing is performed.
Parameter Name: browseDirection
Data Type: String
nodeId: Defines the identification of the OPC UA node. It is split in 3 parameters (two mandatory and one optional):
- identifier:
Parameter Name: nodeId/identifier
Data Type: String - namespaceIndex:
Parameter Name: nodeId/namespaceIndex
Data Type: Integer - identifierType (optional): Searches for the Identifier with a fixed Data Type.
Parameter Name: nodeId/identifierType
Data Type: String
Constant Value: Numeric, UUID, String, Byte String
Note: In every namespace, each ID must be unique for its own identifierType (it is possible to use the String “7617” and the Numeric 7167 together in one namespace)
nodeClassFilter (optional): Defines which operation you want to execute, in this case, “BROWSE”.
Parameter Name: nodeClassFilter
Constant Value: Node classes like “Variable”, for complete list see: UA Part 4: Services – 5.8.2 Browse
Data Type: String array
Batch Operations
It is possible to execute multiple different OPC UA Operations with one connector call. In order to do that, the operations[X] path must be prefixed to the parameters. Each index number represents one OPC UA Operation.
Example for Browse operation array element:
- operations[0]/operationType
- operations[0]/browseDirection
- operations[0]/nodeId/namespaceIndex
- operations[0]/nodeId/identifier
Output parameters
You can return all output parameters like this:
Parameter Name: /
Alias: result
Data Type: Any
If you want to get only selected output values, use the following syntax:
Parameter Name:/operationResults[0]/references/displayName/text
Data Type: Any (depends on the values you want to be returned)