Version 1.3 valid from March 17th, 2025
- The Licensor operates the provided Platform under the criteria of highest possible care, reliability, and availability regarding subscription models, 7 days a week, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
Downtimes are not considered in the calculation of availability if the Licensee expressly agreed to it in writing or if these downtimes are default times mentioned in paragraphs 4 ,5 and 6. - The Licensee has the right to reduce the agreed monthly fee to the maximum of 2% for every full percentage point that is below the assured availability. Any further claims of the customer remain unaffected.
- Down times for maintenance, servicing and upgrades are explicitly pre-announced in writing between the parties if these deviate from the default times mentioned in paragraphs 4,5 and 6.
- The maintenance of the Simplifier is carried out by default on Saturday from 20:00 to 22:00 UTC (22:00 to 00:00 Central European Summer Time). Divergent or in addition necessary maintenance must be announced to the Licensee in writing, at least four weeks in advance and require the Licensee‘s written approval.
- Security and Reliability are ensured by daily patching of simplifier application between 3AM UTC to 3:15 AM UTC, (5:00 AM to 5:15 AM Central European Summer Time) – this leads to a maximum downtime of 15 minutes per day.
- Updates and upgrades, that change the process, have to be announced to the Licensee in writing and before the implementation and will require written approval.
- By submitting an Emergency or Critical ticket, the OK is implicitly given to restart the systems until the problem is resolved without further agreement from the Licensee.
- In every managed Simplifier Platform, two users for Simplifier are automatically created – One Support User and one Monitoring User. These users must have a local login and the password must not be changed by the Licensee.