What are outgoing requests?
The Simplifier Server itself can run without internet access in container, but some comfort features will require outgoing access via http(s).
What are incoming requests?
Incoming Requests are mostly client request from public internet access or separate subnet.
Optional Access
The following URLs can be allowed for additional services but not required for running simplifier itself.
URL | Reason |
hub.docker.com | For Updating or Installing Simplifier from official docker repository |
https://openui5.hana.ondemand.com https://sapui5.hana.ondemand.com |
System Library Repository for SAPUI5 – Needed for Updating or Installing UI5 Library directly from the original online repository |
https://github.com/ | System Library Cache for OpenUI5 |
https://stats.simplifier.io | Anonymous Usage Tracking hosted by Simplifier AG in Germany |
https://community.simplifier.io | Our Community Service provides RSS Feeds for the newest forum posts or marketplace items that can be displayed on the Dashboard |
https://*.simplifier.cloud |
We have introduced a standardized domain naming for all integration services used. We’ll switch step by step to convert all other *.simplifier.io/*.simplifier.cloud calls to that domain-name-schema.
Currently, there are the following integration services used: