To change the default server settings, you need to access the server console via ssh.
In the persistence folder of simplifer you can change the server settings. Default for the this path is /var/lib/simplifier/simplifier/conf/ (until Release 8 it was: /var/lib/simplifier/data/conf/)
Step 1 – Switch to Folder
cd /var/lib/simplifier/simplifier/conf/
Step 2 – Create include.conf file
If the include.conf doesn’t exists, create a new file
touch include.conf
Step 3 – Change Settings
To change the settings, open the file via vim or nano
nano include.conf
Step 4 – Restart the Simplifier
Save the file and restart the simplifier container to apply the settings.
In some Cases it can be necessary to extend the HTTP Timeouts or Max Connections depending on your environment
akka { http { server {# The time after which an idle connection will be automatically closed. # Set to `infinite` to completely disable idle connection timeouts. idle-timeout = 60 s # Defines the default time period within which the application has to # produce an HttpResponse for any given HttpRequest it received. # The timeout begins to run when the *end* of the request has been # received, so even potentially long uploads can have a short timeout. # Set to `infinite` to completely disable request timeout checking. # # Make sure this timeout is smaller than the idle-timeout, otherwise, # the idle-timeout will kick in first and reset the TCP connection # without a response. # # If this setting is not `infinite` the HTTP server layer attaches a # `Timeout-Access` header to the request, which enables programmatic # customization of the timeout period and timeout response for each # request individually. request-timeout = 20 s
# the maximum number of concurrently accepted connections when binding a server using # `Http().newServerAt().bindXYZ()` methods. # # This setting doesn't apply to the `Http().bind` method which will still # deliver an unlimited backpressured stream of incoming connections. # # Note, that this setting limits the number of the connections on a best-effort basis. # It does *not* strictly guarantee that the number of established TCP connections will never # exceed the limit (but it will be approximately correct) because connection termination happens # asynchronously. It also does *not* guarantee that the number of concurrently active handler # flow materializations will never exceed the limit for the reason that it is impossible to reliably # detect when a materialization has ended. max-connections = 1024
} } }
If you have problems with bigger payloads within usage of our client api or REST, SOAP, oDATAv2 Calls, use this settings below:
# Adjust HTTP Max Chunk Size if Payload is bigger than 1mb (default value) akka { http { parsing { max-chunk-size = 5m } } }
Simplifier is setting CORS headers automatically since MAKERS CHOICE 25-01. You can adapt the value for the parameter Access-Control-Allow-Origin:
akka-http-cors { # default: allowed-origins = "*" allowed-origins = ["",""] }
If you are using a Proxy Server to access the internet, you have to setup the Proxy Server information within the Simplifier like:
proxy { host: "" port: 3128 byPassUrls: [ "", "localhost" ] }
If you need more versions for the business function changelog, use this setting below:
#business object versioning versioning { #defines the maximum number of BusinessObject Version History maximumEntries: 200 }
To gather more sap function modules in the app wizard, you can either limit the search term or extend the possible list of search results with the following setting:
#sap-rfc connector assistent rfc { #defines the maximum amount of returned operations by the backend (necessary due to the old metadata interface and some performance issues as well as high payload amounts) suggestionLimit: 300 }
In Case of very big Simplifier Application, the build time for generating the source code can be extended like in the following setting:
# app deployment toolchain toolchain { # general timeout for the UI5 build toolchain. timeout: 120 # timeout for building an application. # the time a deployment of an application can take. # If the deployment takes longer than this value, deplyoment is stopped and an error is thrown. deploymentTimeout: 120 # timeout for retrieving UI5 metadata # this value can have inpact on the WYSIWYG preview propertiesLookupTimeout: 30 }
In case of a Log entry similar to this error message:
[ERROR] businessObjectCall: jsonParseHandler: com.fasterxml.jackson.core.exc.StreamConstraintsException: String length (20047596) exceeds the maximum length (20000000)
you can raise the limit by adding the following entry:
json {
parsing {
maxStringLength = 2147483647
Setting Timeouts for the communication between the different Simplifier Container:
hybrid { timeout { business-object = 10 minutes connector = 10 minutes } }