What is the Cluster Mode?
In a Clustered Mode environment, at least 2 Simplifier Production Instances are working together to enhance the Fault Tolerance capabilities as well as maximize the performance.
This is also called Horizontal Scaling Architecture
1- This Cluster based on a Shared EBS Volume (IO2) with Multi Attached feature to be shared among two EC2 instances in the same Availability Zone.
2- The RDS (Relational Database Service) Type is Amazon Aurora and it is 1 instance shared between two EC2 Instances.
For a onpremise Environment you can setup Simplifier as described here
Horizontal scaling on AWS Cloud
Cluster advantages
How is it Implemented?
How does it work?
1. Define the Task Definition.
Containers Specs and Dokcer labels.
2. Create Service
Including the Autoscaling and Deployment
3. List of Tasks
Ensure containers running inside the task are running.
4. Instance Preview
This is how it looks inside each EC2 Instance
5. Resources Design
Using Cloudformtion to review the entire solution.
From Server Tab, Go to Cluster Mode Option in the bottom of the page then enable Cluster Mode, Press Save.
Cluster tab will appear.
Go to Cluster tab then add your cluster nodes by pressings on + button.
Note: Make sure you define CLUSTER_MEMBER_NAME parameter on the Docker labels before you attempt to enable the cluster mode.