Monitoring shows information about what actions were executed during a specific time in a specific context.
Main Table
The table shows the following information. The view can be filtered by all fields shown in the table.
Status | Colored indicator to show the state of the action:
Green: action war performed successfully Red: action ended with an error White: it was a “fire and forget” action, there is no knowledge of whether it was successful or not |
Start Time | Date and Time the action was performed |
Artifact | The Artefact, e. g. Connector Call, Business Object Function, …, which was executed.
The type of the artifact is shown by the symbol in front of its name. |
Action | The possible Actions depend on the artifact type
User | The user who performed the action. If no user is given, the action was executed on a system level, e. g. as a scheduled job. |
Context | Context can be one of three types:
If the context type is either Job or Application, the name of the App or the Job is given as context. No context means that the action was performed during application building, i.e., while using the UI Designer or the Process Designer |
Duration | The duration while the action was performed |
Button with Symbol I / Log Entry Details | Switch to the log entry details (link to log entry details) |
Button with Symbol Bars / Session Details | Switch to the Session Details (link to session details) |
Log Entry Details
The General tab in the log entry view shows a brief overview of the log entry. It shows the same fields as the entry in the overview table.
The Callstack tab shows the call stack as a tree view, which led to the execution of the log entry shown. It is a part of the call stack shown in the session details.
Session Details
The session details show the call stack of all actions performed during on session. Session in this context is ment as one command which was sent to Simplifier.
There are two possible views for this information:
- Tree view
- Log Entries view
One can switch between these two using the button in the upper right corner of the view.
In both views, for each element the following fields are shown:
- Status
- Start Time
- Artifact
- Action
- Duration
- Button with Symbol I / Log Entry Details
The meaning of these fields is the same as described in the section Monitoring.
The default view is the tree view.
- Tree View
The session details are shown as a tree on which some nodes can be expanded. In this view one sees which action was triggered by which action, e. g. which business object called a connector call.
The tree view does not support any filtering.
- Log Entries View
The session details are shown in a classic log-like view, each entry on a line in a strict historical order.
The log view can be filtered by all fields.