Applications can be localized easily by adding language files (.po-format) to the application.
By default, the language depends on the user environment, browser or device language, however, a fallback language should still be defined.
For the translation of the individual applications, .po files are used in Simplifier. These can be viewed, up- and downloaded via Language under the Other tab.
If the desired language is not available, please contact your administrator, as these are maintained in the server settings.
To change the language of an application at runtime, you can use the function setLanguage of the client-side business object SIMP_UI5Helper and insert it in the Process Designer of your application. The mentioned business object is part of our standard content and can be downloaded and imported to your system from here if it is not available yet. The setLanguage function takes one input parameter which is the language code as defined in BCP 47 (find the complete list of available language codes here).
To start an application with a specific language (in this case English), add the query parameter sap-language=en to the application URL, e.g.