You need an ODataV2 data service (e.g. Northwind)
Step 1 – Create ODataV2 Connector
Create an ODataV2 Connector (Simplifier Documentation):
Step 2 – Use Connector Wizard to create a ReadAll call
Start the Connector Wizard to create a ReadAll call:
Step 3 – Add Query Options as Input Parameters
To use ODataV2 Query Options create corresponding Input Parameters using the notation param/$<queryOption>:
Step 3.1 – Expand
Using param/$expand you can specify which of the related resources (e.g., Supplier) should be included in the result:
Step 3.2 – Filter
Using param/$filter you can specify a filter condition for requesting the data (e.g. ProductionName eq ‘Chai’):
Step 3.3 – OrderBy
Using param/$orderby you can specify an order criteria for the requested data (e.g. UnitsInStock desc):
Step 3.4 – Select
Using param/$select you can specify which properties of the resource should be requested (e.g. ProductName):
Step 3.5 – Skip
Using param/$skip you can specify the number of entries which should be skipped (e.g., with skip = 3 the first three entries are omitted, and the result set starts with the fourth element, i.e., ID=4):
Step 3.6 – Top
Using param/$top you can specify the number of entries which should be output – starting with the first entry (e.g., with top = 2 only the first two entries are retrieved):
Step 3.7 – Combining Query Options
Of course, it is possible to combine query options (e.g., getting the two Products of category 1, most in stock, and expanded with Supplier information):