
How to use Google reCAPTCHA v3 Essentials

Adapting to deprecated Captcha-plugins, this guide provides a detailed walkthrough on integrating Google reCAPTCHA v3 Essentials into your app for enhanced security. Methods range from...

Learn to convert text to speech and integrate the generated audio in applications. Install Google Text-To-Speech Connector, set up OAuth2, and test with 'synthesizeText' function.

How to use TimePicker widget

Add 'TimePicker' widget to your screen, then set 'displayFormat' for desired time format. Without it, time selector won't display.

Learn to use the SignaturePad Widget for drawing on images, image uploading, and editing. Understand the basics such as creating Applications, setting Widget properties, and...

Using the Charts Widget

Learn data visualization in your app using the Simplifier Charts Widget. Includes static and dynamic data utilization, UI creation, and Business Objects integration. Pre-requisites: Basic...

Working with Drag and Drop

Learn to add Drag and Drop behavior to Simplifier Widgets to allow rearrangement of List Items. Utilize DragInfo and DropInfo controls to manage dragging and...

Currency formatting with UI5 type binding

UI5 introduces type binding, allowing data formats to be customized. Particularly, the unique Currency data type enhances financial value representation. This feature improves UI display...