Table Bindings are not working with the SQL Connector to get the data.

  • Usman
        4 years ago #19903

        Hello Everyone,

        I have made a table to get the data from the SQL Connector. I have also written a process to load the data. The request to get the data from the connector is working. However i am not able to display the data in the table. Can anyone tells that what am i doing wrong?

        You can see in this image that the request retrieves the data from the connector but the data is not displayed.

        Data is not being displayed in the table.


        Here is the screen in the Designer, i have assigned the items of the table as a collection of items.

        Screen in Designer with Items Collections assigned.

        Here is the Process to load the data.

        Process which is Loading the data.

        Here is the output mapping of the connecter used in process to load the data.

        I think i am doing the right things because the request to get the data from the connecter is working totally fine, but i do not know why the data is not appearing in the table.

        Armin Winkler
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          4 years ago #21769

          Hello Usman,

          is this query still ongoing? I think you will be able to implement a working table binding by now 😉 You missed checking the itemsTemplate property in your UI configuration. If that’s done you only need to take care of adding a proper template item to your table.




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