Simplifier-Mindsphere Connection Test

  • Adam
        5 years ago #15945

        Dear Simplifier Team,

        I have configured my Simplifier-Connector similarly as explained in the documentation – however I don’t get a token back from mindsphere.

        Error Message:


        “message”: “The Http request was not successful due to the client error: [401: Unauthorized – Authentication is possible but has failed or not yet been provided.]”,

        “success”: false



        I have additionally included the connector setting screen as well as the connector call input/output parameters. I’ve tried out this interface by using python without any problems. I’ve also realized that python requires client_ID and client_Secret for establishing the connection, simplifier however, does not require the client_ID.


        Best regards

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          5 years ago #16319

          Hello Mr. Myszkowski,

          i’ve attached our Mindsphere Authentication Connector for an Example. This is transport file that includes the Mindsphere Connector but with invalid credentials due our data security compliance – it will not work, so you should replace the secrets and endpoint settings

          To verify the connector configuration, you will see also a valid execution with the mindsphere token as result

          Please be aware that this file will work only for simplifier release 4.0 and above.


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