RESTBinaryResult – with the BASE64 encoded result body- How to decode this?

  • anuragkumar
        5 years ago #16526

        Hi Team,

        I have a rest service that I am consuming. It has content-type ‘application/xml’. As I see in the simplifier documentation for connector calls, when the content type is ‘application/xml’, then the service will return the response with following 3 keys:

        1)RESTBinaryResult – with the BASE64 encoded result body
        2)RESTTextResult (returns only if it can be displayed as text)
        3)content-Type – mime type of result body

        I am not getting any clue, how can I extract the useful data from it. Do I need to decode this. If yes, please suggest how we can decode this type of response in simplifier.

        Mathieu Roll
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          5 years ago #16545



          yes you need to decode the data.

          the best way to do this is using a business object.

          Please find attached an example how to do this.

          // read xml with connector
          var result = Simplifier.Connector.TestXML.getXML().result;
          output.result = result;
          //convert RESTTextResult(xml) to javascript object
          //convert xml to json
          var RESTTextResultJSON = Simplifier.Util.xml2json(result.RESTTextResult);
          //parse json to javascript object
          var RESTTextResult = JSON.parse(RESTTextResultJSON);
          //output data
          output.RESTTextResult = RESTTextResult;
          //convert RESTBinaryResult(base64) to javascript object
          //convert base64 to xml
          RESTBinaryResultXML = Simplifier.Util.decodeBase64(result.RESTBinaryResult);
          //convert xml to json
          var RESTBinaryResultJSON = Simplifier.Util.xml2json(RESTBinaryResultXML);
          //parse json to javascript object
          var RESTBinaryResult = JSON.parse(RESTBinaryResultJSON);
          //output data
          output.RESTBinaryResult = RESTBinaryResult;
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