order of xslx file different to connector since update of release 9

  • Rebecca
        1 month ago #58438

        Hi everyone,

        we noticed that all of our xslx exports from one app are in a different column order after the release 9 even though the connector test shows the right order of the data. Since the order in the select statement is fine I am not sure how to fix the order of the export. Can someone help?

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          4 weeks ago #58533

          Hey Rebecca,

          do i understand that correctly that you do have an application from where the data, which was read via a connector, is downloaded as a XSLX file?
          Are you using a TableEnhanced to bind the data and the integrated “download data” functionality of that table?
          if that’s the case: does the column order of the XSLX file correspond to the column order of the table inside the application or does it differ?

          Best regards,

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            3 weeks ago #58596

            Hey Rebecca,

            starting from Simplifier 8.1 we switched some implementations in the platform which result in the problem you’re currently facing. When using JSON Objects in an ECMA Script environment (e.g. inside a scriptblock of an application) the ordering of properties stays the same / is perserved.
            Simplifier as a platform is not an ECMA application and therefor the results are not part of an ECMA Script environment. This leads to the order of properties not being fixed.

            If a specific order of columns / properties is necessary you unfortunately now have to handle this manually.

            Sorry for the inconvenience, let us know if you have more questions / need any more support.

            Best regards and have a splendid weekend,

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