• Hadrien Ledanseur
        Has successfully completed the online course Basics (100)
      2 years ago #35419


      It is not quite clear how to use validation on an input field in simplifier.

      For instance, let’s say I have an input field of type email and add some pattern (regex) to validate the email and I want to do this validation on a click of a button to check if we can go on to a next step.

      Then in the process designer, how would I go about implementing that?

      Vitali Kurdasov
          Has successfully completed the online course Intermediate (200)
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        2 years ago #35435

        Hi Hadrien,

        i would suggest you two possible options.

        1. If you use a SimpleForm

        Go to Domaintypevalidation on your desired input field

        Afterwards select the domaintype Email, activate the eventswitch and change the event to validateFieldGroup, as last step set the property required of your input to true.

        Now switch to the ProcessDesigner and use the ClientsideBusinessObject SF_Validate with the method validateSimpleForm.

        If you can’t find this BusinessObject download the newest Version of StandardContent for your Simplifier version.

        As inputparameter use formId where you write the id of your SimpleForm. Now you can use the green and red dot as on conditions. (Notice that every element in your SimpleForm will be checked if it is required!)

        2. If you don’t use SimpleForms

        Configure the domaintype validation the same, but change the event wo change

        Afterwards go to the ProccessDesigner and configure the conditionshape as following

        I hope this helps you to solve you Problem!

        Alex K
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          2 years ago #35432

          For regex, you need to Subscribe to the button event. Then execute a custom script, getting the contents of the textfield.

          Either by
          var element = sap.ui.getCore("Application").byId("MY UIELEMENT ID").getValue();

          or by getting the binded variableHolder via:

          var element = this.getGlobals().getVar("MY VARIABLEHOLDER").getValue();

          then inserting the data into a regex Javascript. Examples:

          Further you have 2 ways of designing the display of an error message:
          Either Toast-Message and Red Border on Elements

          Assigning a new Variable with an error or success-message and putting that variable in an UI-Event.

          Hadrien Ledanseur
              Has successfully completed the online course Basics (100)
            2 years ago #35436

            Thank you for the comprehensive information.

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