CSV connector
5 years ago #14147Hello everyone,
I added one csv file in my application assets and i tried to create one csv connector for it and when i test the call i receive the following error
“Connector Call CSVConnector / read produced an unexpected error during execution: CSV file not found”.
Could please let me know what is going wrong here?Thanks and Regards,
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5 years ago #14153::Hello Shaila,
if you have sotred the file in the Application Assets, then the asset is stored only in the application and the connector cannot access it. You have to store it on the server itself.
One way would be to use the HTML5 Uploader and note the session (filename). Then reference the uploads temporary folder with the session (filename)
This would be /tmp/uploads/[SESSION]
Chris Bouveret
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5 years ago #14156::Hello Shaila,
As you have a Freemium Instance without access to the server’s file system, i would suppose to use a different Connector instead of CSV. How about SQLite? It is implicitely available on each SF Instance. Another workaround would be to import your CSV to an external DB e.g. MySQL and use the SQL Connector to access the data.
Hope that helps
5 years ago #14167::Hello Kamil/Chris,
Thank you for the information. I will use different connectors.
and I have one more question regarding charts. I see currently only line Chart suppose I want to visualize the data on time series charts. are there any scripts which are build for that to have different kinds of charts in simplifier?Thanks ,
ShailaChris Bouveret
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5 years ago #14168::Hi Shaila,
regarding charts and chart types there are numerous options. One is to use the chart.js library (https://www.chartjs.org/). It is easy to use in addition to UI5 and would be my preferred library. Of course you can use every javascript based library as well, depending on your expereinces or preferences. I personally have experience with different charting libs e.g. JQChart (www.jqchart.com/) or D3JS (https://d3js.org/).
Hope that helpsBest
5 years ago #14169::ok thanks Chris.
I have one more question. I am trying to use connector in my application and once I save and deploy the application I receive the following error.
Can you please tell me the reason why it is giving this error?
Please see the screenshot. when i test connector individually it works. but not in application.Thanks,
You must be logged in to view attached files.Chris Bouveret
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5 years ago #14171::Hi Shaila,
your app has no login so it must be flagged for “Allow anonymous users” in order to give the app permission to execute the Connector.
This is done within the “Security” Tab in UI Designer. (see screenshot)
Make sure you set the flag “Allow anonymous users” and give your app a role within the Security tab.
Hope that helpsAttachments:
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