Create PDF out of list

  • Julia
        4 years ago #18077


        I  have a list (delivery notes) from which I have to create a PDF I scan send via email.

        I thought about using the business object ITIZ_PDF for it. Can anybody tell my how to do this? Or is there another easier way to do it?

        Optionally: the PDF should contain a header with title and logo.

        Thanks for your help!
        Best Regards

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          4 years ago #18079

          Hi Julia,


          The complete PDF Process is described here:

          Instead of Uploading the data to the key value store, you can use the generate Function of the ITIZ_PDF Bo, which will handle everything for you.


          The PDF generate function of the ITIZ_PDF BO needs a Template, your Data and a valid simplifier Token.


          For the Template, you can use mustache.js loops to instert the data into the Template.


          Bonus: you can set the html for your header with the config parameter, a list of all possible parameters can be found here


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