change data source IP address

  • Syed-Asad-Ahmed
        5 years ago #16515

        Hello All,

        I am in process of copying an already developed app, I want to know how can I change the SQL database IP address without effecting rest of the things.




        Chris Bouveret
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          5 years ago #16516

          Hi there,

          First of all, which SQl connector are you using? SQLite or Mysql?

          For MySQL:

          Within your SQL connector, just change the IP and point to your new database. From Dashboard, click Connectors, search and edit your Connector and adjust the IP to the new one.

          Please also check the docs:

          App Builder Guide

          Hope that helps

              5 years ago #16519

              Thanks for the response


              Will this effect the connector call configuration (process designer inside of  new copied application)




              Mathieu Roll
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                5 years ago #16539

                Yes this is effecting all call made by Applications.


                What is the Reason you want to do that ?

                Because perhaps the new connector endpoints from SF 4.5 will help you there.


                Within SF 4.5 you can configurate endpoints for diffrent systems.

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