Auto logout
Klaus794 years ago #17835
Is there a way to log out an user automatically after x minutes of inactivity?
DinkelHas successfully completed the online course IntroductionHas successfully completed the online course Intermediate (200)Has successfully completed the online course Advanced (300)Has successfully completed the online course Basics (100)4 years ago #17868::You can set a duration for the authentication token in the settings of Simplifier. After expiring the token the user can’t use any connectors or any other Simplifier related features.
The Simplifier client for Android and iOS shows a view where you have to re-authenticate after the expire of the token so you can still use connectors etc
KahnHas successfully completed the online course IntroductionHas successfully completed the online course Intermediate (200)Has successfully completed the online course Advanced (300)4 years ago #17875::This is correct, however not the whole truth. The automatic logout works ONLY in the Simplifier Client but not on the DESKTOP.
The logout on the DESKTOP will happen when the user triggers a SERVER-relevant action e.g. calling a connector, business-object, plugin etc.
There are no options to log an user out if he/she is inactive for X [TIMEUNIT] and the Token is still valid. Neither on the Client nor on the Desktop. Here you have to write your own Logic to do this. The Simplifier provides you the necessary options (LOGIN/LOGOUT)
Armin WinklerHas successfully completed the online course IntroductionHas successfully completed the online course Intermediate (200)Has successfully completed the online course Advanced (300)Has successfully completed the online course Basics (100)4 years ago #23064::Hello Christopher,
I think we have a small misunderstanding here: The token validity is not a setting to be found in the iOS mobile client but you can manipulate it via the admin ui of your instance when you click on the settings button and then the client will notify you as soon as any server action happens but you don’t have a valid token anymore. You will find the settings button on the top right corner of the Simplifier dashboard when you click on your user name.
KahnHas successfully completed the online course IntroductionHas successfully completed the online course Intermediate (200)Has successfully completed the online course Advanced (300)
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