• Dimitri Miller
        Has successfully completed the online course Basics (100)
      3 years ago #29976


      I’m trying to use the “Database Data Editor” App Wizard. My connector and schema are working. Clicking on “create” the wizards starts. In the process designer I can see created stories. But in the UI Designer Simplifier gets stuck. I can only see a loading bar and nothing happens.
      Has anybody experienced the same or any idea what went wrong?


      Best regards Dimitri

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      Jennifer Häfner
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        3 years ago #29980

        Hi Dimitri,

        It’s difficult to debug this behaviour. To get further information on what could be the issue, you can do the following:

        – When loading the UI Designer, open your browser’s Debug Console (e.g., by pressing the F12 key). Is an error displayed in the console?
        – Check the Simplifier Logs. In our documentation, we show you how to retrieve log files: https://community.simplifier.io/knowledge/logs-and-monitoring-in-simplifier/ (Step 2) Can you see any error in the log file for the respective time when you have opened the UI Designer?
        – Which Simplifier version are you using?
        – Which OpenUI5 version are you using in your application?

        Maybe with this additional information, we can find out what the issue is here.

        Jennifer Häfner
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          3 years ago #29982

          Hi Dimitri,

          Can you please update your Simplifier version to the latest 6.5 hotfix? With version 6.5.153-LTS.73, the app wizard bug that you have described has been fixed.
          In higher versions, the app wizard should be working fine again.

          Jennifer Häfner
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            3 years ago #29983

            Here you can see Simplifier’s changelog: https://community.simplifier.io/changelog/

            Jennifer Häfner
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              3 years ago #29986

              Yes, you need to update the Simplifier version using docker. The article that you already found describes the process quite well, so you can follow those steps (if you have access to the server of course).

              Dimitri Miller
                  Has successfully completed the online course Basics (100)
                3 years ago #29984

                Thank you Jennifer

                Sorry for the dumb question. But where can I update our simplifier version? :/

                Is this the only way? https://community.simplifier.io/knowledge/how-to-update-simplifier-docker-image/


                Best regards

                Dimitri Miller
                    Has successfully completed the online course Basics (100)
                  3 years ago #29981

                  Hi Jennifer,

                  Thank you for your answer. Indeed I have several errors when using the App wizard:

                  [ERROR] OneForOneStrategy: ((class com.itizzimo.appServer.dependencygraph.ArtifactDependencyGraph$ProjectNode,class   ….


                  [ERROR] ConnectorCallExecutionController: Error executing connector call Appwizard_API_1_0 / createAppVariable
                  com.itizzimo.appServer.helper.http.package$HttpRequestClientError: The Http request was not successful due to the client error: [409: Conflict – The request could not be processed because of conflict in the request, such as an edit conflict.] Response: {“message”:”Variable name already in use”,”success”:false}

                  I’m not sure if this helps you.

                  Simlifier Verion: 6.5.153-LTS.72   and   OpenUI5 1.71Best regards

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