action “send to app” not working
Klaus794 years ago #19824
I do not get a channel from following code snippet.
var oChannel = getChannel(this, sChannelId);
if (!oChannel) {
// no channel
if (Log.isLoggable(Log.Level.DEBUG, “sap.ui.core.EventBus”)) {
Log.debug(“Failed to publish into channel ‘” + sChannelId + “‘.” + ” No such channel.”, sChannelId, “sap.ui.core.EventBus”);
}Problem is following line: getChannel(this, sChannelId);
getChannel returns ‘undefined’.
sChannelId = Password_ModulToApp
which channel/data is missing?
Klaus794 years ago #19825::there is no ‘Password_ModulToApp’ in oEventBus (see below).
Name of ‘sChannelId’ is generated by Simplifier.
ApplicationChannel[object (constructor)]
Home[object (constructor)]
Login[object (constructor)]
Main[object (constructor)]
sap.ui[object (constructor)]
Screen_Approval[object (constructor)]
Screen_Infosystem[object (constructor)]
Screen_Main[object (constructor)]
Screen_Password[object (constructor)]
Screen_Roles[object (constructor)]
Screen_StatusDialog[object (constructor)]
Screen_User_Maintain[object (constructor)]
Screen_valueHelp_Customer[object (constructor)]
SuperAdministration[object (constructor)]
Mathieu RollHas successfully completed the online course IntroductionHas successfully completed the online course Intermediate (200)Has successfully completed the online course Advanced (300)Has successfully completed the online course Basics (100)Klaus794 years ago #19832::No, nothing changed.
sap.ui.getCore().getEventBus().publish(this.getModuleName() + “ToApp”, “statusMessage”, adataForstatusMessage);
the generated code “this.getModuleName() + “ToApp” creates in my oppinion the wrong channel name <modul_name>+”ToApp” (results in my example in: “Password_ModulToApp”
But if i change it to “Screen_StatusDialog” (channel will be found now) I get another error “no event is registered” (see Simplifier code below).
var aEventListeners will be ‘undefined’.
var aEventListeners = EventProvider.getEventList(oChannel)[sEventId];
if (Array.isArray(aEventListeners)) {
// this ensures no ‘concurrent modification exception’ occurs (e.g. an event listener deregisters itself).
aEventListeners = aEventListeners.slice();
var oInfo;
for (var i = 0, iL = aEventListeners.length; i < iL; i++) {
oInfo = aEventListeners[i];
this._callListener(oInfo.fFunction, oInfo.oListener || this, sChannelId, sEventId, oData);
} else if (Log.isLoggable(Log.Level.DEBUG, “sap.ui.core.EventBus”)) {
// no listeners
Log.debug(“Failed to publish Event ‘” + sEventId + “‘ in ‘” + sChannelId + “‘.” + ” No listeners found.”, sChannelId + “#” + sEventId, “sap.ui.core.EventBus”);
}Armin WinklerHas successfully completed the online course IntroductionHas successfully completed the online course Intermediate (200)Has successfully completed the online course Advanced (300)Has successfully completed the online course Basics (100)
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