The FileUploader_FileReader widget doesn’t output various data. For example mimetype or uploadurl.
After the upload, I get the data via script.
console.log(“MimeType: “+sap.ui.getCore().byId(“Main–ui_unifed_FileUploader_FileReader_Test”).getMimeType()); console.log(“Value: “+sap.ui.getCore().byId(“Main–ui_unifed_FileUploader_FileReader_Test”).getValue()); Output: MimeType: undefined Value: example.pdf
console.log(“MimeType: “+sap.ui.getCore().byId(“Main–ui_unifed_FileUploader_FileReader_Test”).getMimeType());
console.log(“Value: “+sap.ui.getCore().byId(“Main–ui_unifed_FileUploader_FileReader_Test”).getValue());
MimeType: undefined
Value: example.pdf
The function is to be used to upload attachments in order to send them via ComonMailConnector.
Is UploadCollection also possible here? And if so, how?
If I put Attachments on it, they wouldn’t displayed.
Thanks for helping.
My fault.
The FileUploader Event “Uploadcomplete” don’t support these outputs.
I use application/octet-stream as mimeType
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