I want to use an Input field with a table suggestion.
suggestionRows and suggestionColumns are filled with a collection from type User_Coll which includes structure User_Struc (currently containing one field username from type string).
suggestionRowsTemplate and suggestionColumnsTemplate is checked.
Same error message is thrown when I use suggestionItems instead of suggestionRows and suggestionColumns.
When I try to deploy it, I get following error message:
Speichern erfolgreich, aber Fehler bei Deployment: Error building files: Error rendering screen item Input1 on screen Screen_User_Masterdata: Could not parse rendered template as JSON: expected field or array but got IntermediateJObject(ListBuffer(JField(path,JString()), JField(template,JString(templateShareable)))) Near: lateShareable”: true
What is wrong? I’m not able to get any hint from that message.