string manipulation functions
Klaus795 years ago #18110
If javascript is not supported in business objects how can I manipulate e.g. strings (-> substrings, etc.)?
KahnHas successfully completed the online course IntroductionHas successfully completed the online course Intermediate (200)Has successfully completed the online course Advanced (300)KahnHas successfully completed the online course IntroductionHas successfully completed the online course Intermediate (200)Has successfully completed the online course Advanced (300)5 years ago #18111::Do you speak about Client-Side or Server-Side business objects? If it’s the latter then this is not possible, if it it’s the former, then please use a Server-Side Business Object to perform your String manipulation. And if JavaScript is not supported in your browser then your App will probably not work at all.
Please note: Server-Side Business objects support only ECMA Script 5. But String manipulation is possible.
Klaus795 years ago #18122::Server-Side.
Would it be possible to add external js library lodash? What would be the coding for inluding it? addScript(‘fabric.js’, ‘fabric’); where do I get zip file?
String.protoype.substr(i,j) -> I get error message ” “Unexpected exception: TypeError: Cannot read property \”prototype\” from undefined”,”
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