SSL Reverse Proxy default key crt File

  • Reinhold
        4 years ago #25355


        i have a Problem with SSL Comunication to an onpremise Simplifier.

        My Rervese Proxy is Apache/2.4.38 (Debian). With port 80 http is all ok, but with https the SSL Handshake is fail.

        Dockerlogs said:

        nginx: [emerg] cannot load certificate key “/opt/simplifier/data/certs/default.key”: PEM_read_bio_PrivateKey() failed (SSL: error:0906D06C:PEM routines:PEM_read_bio:no start line:Expecting: ANY PRIVATE KEY)

        the Certificate and Key-file is in /data/simplifier/data/certs

        My Private key (default.key) is an RSA Key.

        Simplifier don´t load the .key File, What do i wrong?


        Christian Kleinschroth
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          4 years ago #25363

          Hi Reinhold,

          you don’t need an additional Proxy. The Docker already has one, which should be addressed via 443 https. Then, you can start the Docker (without Nginx) and set Proxy Port 8080.

          You can find a step-by-step instruction in our documentation:

          Best regards,


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