Simplifier App as a REST API
5 years ago #16682Hello,
In some cases, we have existing custom apps in different platforms and we need some REST services to get data from several systems like SQL DBs, SAP etc.
Is it possible to call a Simplifier app as a REST service end point?
I will send a GET request to
and it will return a list of materials collected from a DB as a JSON output ?
Steffen Decker
Has successfully completed the online course Intermediate (200)
5 years ago #16706::Hello,
that’s exactly the way we build companion hololens apps for existing simplifier business apps.
You can find our new client v.2 REST API documentation via the following link:
Furthermore you have to authenticate yourself in the simplest case with the https://domain/genToken/ api and basic auth to generate a token, which you have to add to the header (SimplifierToken=xxx ) of the actual rest api call.
POST (Headers: Basic Auth + Content-Type:application/json , Body: {})
connector: materialdb
connector call: listmaterialsBurak
5 years ago #16715::Hi again,
It is great to have this option ! I tried several things but I am unable to realize a real call.
What I tried:
1- Send a request via POSTMAN which did not work (I guess it is about proxy settings but I couldn’ t figure out it)
2- Create a PHP script with a basic cURL setup which did not also work.
And for genToken, I did not get how it works actually. Can we have a 15-20 min. live meeting to demonstrate the case if you have some time ?
Steffen Decker
Has successfully completed the online course Intermediate (200)
5 years ago #16716::Hi,
I made some screenshots with my example project settings.
Generate token:
MySQL Connector “MaterialsDB” and Call “Select_article”
If it do not work with your settings, just write me some lines to: an we set up a meeting.
5 years ago #16717::Please correct me if I am wrong.
I will send my request to
is it true?
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