Process Workflow feature availability

  • Aditya
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      2 years ago #35843

      Hi Team,

      I want to know about the ‘Process Workflow’ feature, that is available in the documentation, which version will have that feature ? As of now, our instances have 7.0 version and it does not have that feature.

      Thanks in advance,

      Aditya Shukla

      Jennifer Häfner
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        2 years ago #35852

        Hi Aditya,

        The Workflow feature is currently in a testing phase and will be available with Simplifier 8.0. The release for this version is scheduled for mid-2023.

        However, it is already available for pilot customers on this Simplifier instance:

        We have activated your account for this instance, so you can login with your myId account and test the feature, and also leave some feedback (by clicking on the green info button).

            Has successfully completed the online course Introduction
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          2 years ago #35858

          Thanks Jennifer, I can access this instance, but I can not open the workflows, maybe I am not having required permissions. Also, I am not able to create a dummy application for testing the workflows.

          Can you please provide me the required permissions ?


          Aditya Shukla

          Jennifer Häfner
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            2 years ago #35859

            Sorry, I have assigned the required role to your user. You should be able to create apps/access the workflows now.

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              2 years ago #35861

              Thanks Jennifer, I am able to access it now.

              Is there any proper detailed documentation related to workflow, its usage and components that I can refer to ?

              Also, how do I get to know if the connector or business object is successful or failed in case of automated tasks (see attached image) and relatively set the outcome ?

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              Jennifer Häfner
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                2 years ago #35878

                Hi Aditya,

                Here is the link to the (current) documentation:

                I think to check if a BO/Connector call was successful, you can store the result in a variable and then check the variable in a condition.

                But if some functionality is missing for you, you can create a feature request for that. Click on the green info button to access the feature request button.


                Alex K
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                  2 years ago #36253

                  Hi Jennifer,

                  on what kind of principles is this Workflow-Designer relying on?

                  It would be cool if it had all the code-examples from the Best-Practices of BPMN.
                  See here:
                  BPMN Wikipedia

                  This would greatly impact the whole way how to design the workflow in the future.

                  Of course certain items wouldn’t be possible to realize, but most of them are indeed.

                  What are the Plans for the feature?

                  Jennifer Häfner
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                    2 years ago #36571

                    Hi Alex,

                    The workflow feature is still under construction, so the current focus is to make the basic functionality work within the scope of Simplifier application and process development.

                    The BPMN concept is definitely interesting! We are collecting feature ideas from our partners/customers (in general as well as workflow-specific) on this platform:

                    Feel free to add a feature idea there.

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