Interface for value transfer from app to module

  • kambilot
        Has successfully completed the online course Intermediate (200)
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      1 year ago #38841


      I want to pass a value from an app to a module and I can’t pass the value in the process designer of the app in the input of the widget “Send to module” because I can’t select the parameter in question. This is probably related to the interface? how do you define an interface for passing values from an app to a module?

      Thanks in advance.

      With kind regards


      Jennifer Häfner
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        1 year ago #38842

        Hi Leonid,

        To send values from a module to an application and vice versa, you need to define an interface inside the module.

        Open the module, switch to the tab ‘Interfaces’ and create a new interface. Next, define the input parameters (= values that are sent from the app to the module) and/or output parameters (= values that are sent from the module to the app).


        To send values from an application to a module, open your application’s process designer. First, use the action ‘load module’ to initialize your module. Then, use the action ‘send to module’ and select the module, the interface and the values that you want to send.

        Inside your module, use the action ‘receive from app’ to handle the logic after the module has been sent values from the app.


        To send values from a module to an application, use the action ‘send to app’ inside your module’s process designer (note that the module must be loaded inside the application first). Select the interface and the values that you want to send.

        In your application, use the action ‘receive from module’ to handle the logic after the application has been sent values from the module.


        Check out our interface documentation here:

            Has successfully completed the online course Intermediate (200)
            Has successfully completed the online course Basics (100)
          1 year ago #38843

          Thanks Jennifer, it worked.

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