Error with mysqlinit container while installing Simplifier on VM in Azure

  • Alexander Scharpf
        Has successfully completed the online course Introduction
      1 year ago #43112

      Hey guys,

      My colleague and I are currently trying to instantiate a Simplifier instance on a virtual machine on our company’s Azure tenant. After following all of the instructions in this doc we unfortunately hit a snag at the very last step of the process.

      Entering the “docker compose -f simplifier-standalone.yml up -d” command into our powershell terminal first leads to the desired result, all of the container images are downloaded and instantiated however the “mysqlinit” container status stays on “waiting” and does not move forward in the process. We are unable to cancel the process in the powershell terminal and in order to start the process again we have to close the session entirely and start fresh which leads to the same outcome.

      My question is if anybody else has experienced this issue and what we can do to move forward in our troubleshooting efforts.

      Many thanks and Kind Regards,



      Christian Kleinschroth
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        1 year ago #43113


        could you raise an support request via – we will get in touch with you soon

        Alexander Scharpf
            Has successfully completed the online course Introduction
          1 year ago #43114

          Thank you for the swift reply I will do just that 🙂

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