Client BusinessObjects with async functions

  • dcyborra
        5 years ago #10199


        i am trying to get a client business object running in which i perform a server business object call. How can i return the async ajax result of the businnes object call?

        Mathieu Roll
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          5 years ago #10205

          Hello dcyborra,

          You have to use a promise.

          For Example:

          try {
              return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
                  var boSuccess = function(result) {
                      resolve({outputParam: result});
                  var boFail = function(result) {
                      reject({outputParam: result});
                  Simplifier.BusinessObject.test_m002.getSomeListData({}, boSuccess, true, false, boFail);
          } catch (e) {
              throw e;
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