Call Connector Asynchronously

  • aasheesh
        5 years ago #16322


        1. How to call connector asynchronously in script or business object?

        2. In Process Designer, if we call connector. There is option to set asynchronous to “True” or “False”.

        If we set asynchronous to “True” in connector call, then it shows 2 options

        a) Subscribe

        b) Unsubscribe


        what does these option means in this context, when asynchronous set to “True” in connector call?

        Chris Bouveret
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          5 years ago #16356

          Hi there,


          the asynchronous calls are for the connector types OPC-UA, MQTT and Push as those are all asynchronous connectors. So if you switch to asychronous there will only be those types of connectors available for selection.


              5 years ago #16359


              Suppose i am executing REST connector, and i do not want to wait for the result of connector call and i want to execute some other code, so how can i restrict my REST connector call so that it will not block further execution.




              Chris Bouveret
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                5 years ago #16363

                Just deactivate the busy indicator for the connector call and execute your other code not on Success or Error of the connector call but in parallel. This should solve your problem


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