• Elie Todjom
        Has successfully completed the online course Basics (100)
      1 year ago #34416

      Hello Simplifier Community,

      i have implemented the navigate back on the Android Client but each time I press it, it navigates twice back instead on one time.
      Example: I Open: HomePage –> Listpage –> DetailPage and then press the Android BackButton and the navigation leads me to HomePage instead of ListPage.

      I first register the Backbutton and attach a customEvent to it like this:

      if (device.platform && device.platform === "Android") {
         document.addEventListener("backbutton", onBackButtonPress.bind(this), false);
         sap.ui.getCore().byId("Application").attachNavigate(function(oEvent) {
           this.getGlobals().setVar("gvCurrentScreen", oEvent.getParameter("toId"));
      function onBackButtonPress() {

      Later on the onHardwareBackButtonPress CustomEvent will call navContainerNavigation from SF_HELPER with this code:


      But the navigation always happen twice.

      Elie Todjom
          Has successfully completed the online course Basics (100)
        1 year ago #35167

        I have solve the Problem by registering the BackButton using the the ScreenEvent ‘OnbeforeFirstShow’ and not ‘onAfterRendering’ of the main page.

        Jennifer Häfner
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          1 year ago #34435

          Hi Elie,

          You can check if the function ‘onBackButtonPress’ (and therefore, the custom event ‘onHardwareBackButtonPress’) is really executed twice everytime the back button is pressed, or if the issue is that the navigationGoalId contains the wrong screen name.

          This information is helpful to find the cause of this issue.

          Elie Todjom
              Has successfully completed the online course Basics (100)
            1 year ago #34436

            I made a mistake it is this the Back navigation I’m using. So there is no navigationGoalId. The onHardwareBackButtonPress is call ones.


            Thank you.

            Elie Todjom
                Has successfully completed the online course Basics (100)
              1 year ago #34533

              Hello Jennifer,

              the onBackButtonPress itself is executed once but the backTo() Methode Twice. The StackPage is clear Twice and is really executed twice and I can see it on my device Screen. It first goBack to the previous page and go Back once again.

              I did a screen Shot of the call stack , form the moment the ‘onHardwareBackButtonPress’ is call.

              Thank you.

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              Jennifer Häfner
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                1 year ago #34549

                Hi Elie,

                Could you provide us with a small sample application where this behaviour is shown? This way, it is easier for us to check what’s the issue here. Thanks!

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