Hi Rushikesh,
If the service that you want to integrate has a REST-based API (which a lot of web services have), you can use Simplifier’s REST connector.
Read the documentation of the service that you want to integrate and look for the following information: what is the endpoint URL and what do you need for authentication? In many services, you first need to generate a token via a specific REST call, which you then use as header parameter in the following REST calls.
In case of twitter, I found this API documentation: https://developer.twitter.com/en/docs/twitter-api/getting-started/make-your-first-request
Here is what you need to do in Simplifier:
- Create a new REST connector
- Set the endpoint URL and the login method (if required. In some cases, you do not need a login method, because you simply add an authentication header parameter in each call)
- Create the REST connector calls. If the service has a specification according to OpenAPI, you can use the REST connector call wizard. In this wizard, you simply paste the OpenAPI URL and all calls are generated automatically. For twitter, I found this OpenAPI URL: https://api.twitter.com/2/openapi.json
Read more about the REST connector call wizard and how you can get OpenAPI URLs here: https://community.simplifier.io/doc/current-release/integrate/connectors/rest-connector/rest-connector-calls/ - If the service does not have a specification according to OpenAPI, you have to create the REST connector calls from scratch, by defining the required parameters according to your service’s documentation: https://community.simplifier.io/doc/current-release/integrate/connectors/rest-connector/rest-connector-calls/#1601990888609-6cd28084-0916
- Finally, test the REST connector calls
I hope this helps, if you have any specific questions or encouter any problems, please let me know!