Two BOs in a row in the Designer process

  • kambilot
        Has successfully completed the online course Intermediate (200)
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      1 year ago #38381

      can it be that when two BOs are set in succession in the ProcessDesigner, that in order for the second BO to be executed, a process output must necessarily be in the input of the second BO?

      Many thanks in advance.

      Greetings Leonid

      Jennifer Häfner
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        1 year ago #38468

        Hi Leonid,

        In addition to Christoph’s reply, I want to clarify that if the second BO does not have a required input, it should be executed after the first BO. It’s not necessary to define an input then.

        If the second BO is not executed, you can check in the Logs & Monitoring section if the first BO runs into an error. Then, the process does not continue at the green output node of the first BO, and the second BO is not executed.

        Vitali Kurdasov
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          1 year ago #38417

          Hello Leonid,

          in order to use a output of a already called BO as an input for another BO you could use the “process output”-shape in the input mapping of the second BO.  

          Also, if the input is not optional and it has to be set, than please use the switch in the input parameter section of the second BO and set “optional” to false.

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