Table Filter Option

  • Julia
        5 years ago #18695

        Hello everybody,

        is there a way to add filter and sort functions to the table columns?


        Mathieu Roll
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          5 years ago #18898


          please find attached an example application (ShoppingList).

          In the example i’m using the UI5 Model Filter.

          Chris Bouveret
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            5 years ago #18696

            Hi Julia,

            please refer to the UI5 Documentation of the Table Control

            Hope that helps

                5 years ago #18701

                Hi Chris,

                thanks for the doc. I’ve seen this before. But I’m stuck with using this in the app.

                That type of table do I have to use? sap.ui.table.Table? sap.m.Table? Or another?

                I’ve seen with ui-Table there are options like enableCellFilter. Is this the enabling for this functions? (Although I’m hanging with getting my data in the table at the moment).

                How to use them?


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                  5 years ago #18706

                  Hi Julia,


                  Since Ui5 Filters work on the Data Model of the corresponding Table, you can Filter any Table you want.

                  I´d say the easiest Example would be the sap.m.Table.

                  Unfortunately, the Filter Function needs to be added via script, there is no Simplifier Function for that yet.


                  The First thing you need to do:

                  create a new Filter: new sap.ui.model.Filter([key in model you want to filter(column)], [Filter function], [value you want to filter by])

                  Second: Apply the Filter to the Model:

                  [your model reference].filter([The new Filter]);


                  I hope this helps.


                      5 years ago #18719

                      Hi Jonas,

                      since I am still very new to the topic, could you give me an exact example of how to insert the filter?

                      More precisely, I need several filters, since I have different columns.
                      One is a filter that allows me to select all the possibilities that are in this column (texts/places) (with multiple selection).
                      And a filter with which I can filter in a column with date-time data according to a time period in the column.
                      I also have columns with checkboxes, for which a filter function would also be good, and numerical values (costs).

                      I would like to equip all columns with filters? Is there any documentation on how to use and install these filters? Or do you / do you have examples for me?

                      Thanks in advance for your help!

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                        5 years ago #18744

                        Unfortunately, I dont have any examples at hand, but you can take a look at the table Filtering example of the UI5 Documentation:


                        The Filter Part works for all model bound data, like tables and lists.

                        The ui.table.table already has inputs for the filter values, but you can easily add the inputs to your app


                        You can add Multiple Filters at once using a Filter Array:



                        I hope this helps a bit, but dont worry if you cant get it to work on your first try, filters are on of the more complex things you can do with UI5

                            5 years ago #19003


                            Thank you very much! It works now! 🙂

                            Two more question has arisen from this while implementing the filters for one column.

                            In the selection list for the filter is now for every row value in the table on selection. So I have the same selection value ten times and more, for example if I want to filter for “notebook”, I have this selection for every notebook (over 10 times), and not just one selection for notebook.
                            Can I somehow collapse the values?

                            And, in my list I have check boxes. How can I filter check boxes? Or do you have another idea for handling true/false values in a table and SQLite database?

                            Thank you very much!

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                              5 years ago #19259

                              Hi Julia,

                              Im not entirely certain what you mean with your first question. Could you maybe elaborate a bit further?

                              In Regards to the second Question, Boolean values in sqlite are typically handled via Int values where 0=false and anything else means true.

                              So in the model, you´ll have int representations of your boolean staats.

                              The Checkbox´s selected property can be bound to that via an expression binding to these values.

                              You can than simply filter for 0 and 1 in your model like you would with e.g. names


                              hope this helps


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