SQL connector calls are not visible
Muzzammil Ahmed
2 years ago #34110Hi, I am facing an issue while creating a table with details page through app wizard, as I select my respective SQL connector, I am unable to see all the connector calls. Even those which are not in use.
Can you please guide me what is the issue with it?
Kind regards,
Muzzammil Ahmed.Attachments:
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2 years ago #34150::Hi Muzzammil,
in the current state of implementation for the app wizard named ‘Table with Details’ you are only able to select such connector calls that neither originate from an asynchronous connector (like Push, MQTT, etc.) nor have (additional) input parameters. We have even added a note about this in the tooltip of the page screenshotted by you during building the wizard, so you might have even already found out yourself. It is definitely planned from our side to enhance the app wizard in the future but as of now the wizard does not support connector calls with self-created input parameters. You can however execute the wizard once for your call and preset the input parameters with constants, then later on remove the fixed values and adapt your mappings created by the wizard inside the application.
I am attaching a screenshot of the bespoken tooltip within the app wizard’s page. Good luck in implementing your SQL connector call.
Kind regards,
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