Socket – onError, onClose are not getting triggered
2 days ago #62591I have this function which handles connections to multiple barcode scanners. I noticed that the onError and onClose events are not getting triggered, even when disconnecting the scanners.
Where can I find the socket class to inspect it? In Simplifier’s ‘Code’ section I can only find the js files for websocket, but not for socket.
I am relatively sure that these events still worked under Simplifier 8. Was there a change here in Simplifier 9?
function fxConnectSocket(sUrl, sVarName, fxOnData = () => {}) {
let socket = new Socket();
const aParts = sUrl.split(‘:’);
const iId = Math.floor((1 + Math.random()) * 0x10000).toString(16).substring(1);
const handleConnection = (status) => {
, status);
const reconnect = () => {
console.log(Socket ${iId} of type ${sVarName} connection to ${sUrl} closed. Reconnecting in 1 second...
setTimeout(() => socket = fxConnectSocket(sUrl, sVarName, fxOnData), 1000);
};[0], parseInt(aParts[1]), () => {
console.log(Socket ${iId} of type ${sVarName} connection to ${sUrl} opened.
}, (event) => {
console.log(Socket ${iId} of type ${sVarName} connection to ${sUrl} failed with code ${JSON.stringify(event)}.
// reconnect();
});socket.onData = fxOnData;
socket.onError = function(event) {
console.error(Socket ${iId} of type ${sVarName} had an error:
, JSON.stringify(event))reconnect();
socket.onClose = function(event) {
console.log(Socket ${iId} of type ${sVarName} connection to ${sUrl} closed because of error ${JSON.stringify(event)}.
};return socket;
}- This topic was modified 2 days ago by Deniz.
Lukas Henninger
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5 hours ago #62617::Hi Deniz,
You can find the code for the sockets in our GitHub repository. This plugin is included in the mobile Client.
I don’t think there was a change in the Sockets code in recent times, so it should not be related to the update.
I hope this helps you out in identifying your issue.
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