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10 months ago #44647Hello,
the day before yesterday we had a case on the productive system of a customer that a user received an error message when he was online and wanted to trigger an action in the app, this error message is output according to the process logic of the app if a variable is set to “false”, this variable is set in the event of an SSBO error. According to the monitoring logs, however, this SSBO was not called once for the user on that day. However, “INFO” was set for “Ausführung” in the server log level settings on that day, see the “Log level” image in the appendix. Was it because the error of the SSBO was not displayed in the logs?
In this link https://community.simplifier.io/doc/installation-instructions/admin-settings/log-settings/ these log level settings are not exactly described, only the category, so I am not sure.Many thanks,
Best regards Leonid.
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10 months ago #44675::Hey Leonid,
You mentioned that the error is displayed in case of an error of the SBO execution. We need to differentiate between error DURING execution or error WHEN execution.
The error DURING an execution happens e.g. due to syntax errors or when catching errors in the business object. In that case the BO is executed and an entry in the logs should be written.
If the error happens WHEN executing the BO it might be due to an invalid token (meaning that the maximum token lifetime was reached and the user is not authorized anymore. this can happen if e.g. the token lifetime is set to be 1 hours and the user has the application open for more than that without interacting with the backend).
Can you elaborate on the error that was displayed? Was it a SBO specific error message or was it simply “Error”. If the latter is the case the chances are high that the execution was not triggered do to an invalid login token.
The log level “info” will include all executions of a Business Object (including warnings, errors and criticals).
Best regards,
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10 months ago #44682::Hi Daniel,
thanks for support. The error message that was seen on the user’s screen is a dialog widget “Dialog_PaymentFailed”- see attachment, which opens when a variable = “false”, this variable is set to “false” when an SSBO runs on the error – see screenshot “SSBO” in attachment. And I cannot find this SSBO in the monitoring logs for the user on that day, although many other SSBOs can be seen in the logs.
Greetings Leonid.
You must be logged in to view attached files.Armin Winkler
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10 months ago #44958::Hi Leonid,
in addition to the potential case of the user’s session token having expired that Daniel mentioned, it could have also been the problem that the user’s device didn’t have an online connection to the Simplifier server in the second they tried to execute the BO in question. Since you are catching the error emitted from the business object by connecting with the error port of the Process Designer activity shape, your customized error dialog was displayed. Hence, it makes it difficult to differentiate the underlying technical error that most likely occured to the user. However, if the BO execution isn’t logged in the monitoring function of Simplifier, it’s safe to assume that the BO script itself wasn’t even executed to begin with, and that could only be if the execution was either tried with an invalid authentication or the server could not be reached altogether.
Unfortunately, in both variants you would not be able to see any information in the monitoring of Simplifier, therefore you’d need to create your own error-handling routine for such types of errors.
Hope this helps for your understanding.
Kind regards,
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