Sending Binary data or File on Connector

  • Vasileios Thanasias
        Has successfully completed the online course Basics (100)
      2 years ago #35219

      Hello, is it possible to send binary data on a connector?

      I see there are several data types, should I use Any data type for binary?

      Jennifer Häfner
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        2 years ago #35246

        Hi Vasileios,

        Can you specify in more detail what is expected by this API call? What are the parameters, of which type, etc.

        If the API expects data of type ‘multipart’, you unfortunately cannot use the Simplifier REST connector, as multipart is not yet supported. You can read about that in this forum post:

        Vasileios Thanasias
            Has successfully completed the online course Basics (100)
          2 years ago #35240

          Also I would like to send a JavaScript File object. Should I use also the Any data type? I see that the called API didn’t receive the file, I am wondering if it is an issue with my request or the server.

          Vasileios Thanasias
              Has successfully completed the online course Basics (100)
            2 years ago #35247

            Hi Jennifer,

            It is expect a mutlipart file upload, I have talked also with your colleague and we will implement it via cilent-side script…

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