Roles inside of applications

  • yannick
        Has successfully completed the online course Advanced (300)
      6 years ago #13058


      Is it possible to execute processes based on user roles?

      Chris Bouveret
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        6 years ago #13065

        Hi Yannick,

        yes, this is possible. We provide a Business Object “User” for accessing Roles and User Attributes (see attached Screenshot). You can use it to get the Role of a looged in User and with a Condition Activity within Process Designer you can react on different Roles of Users. Hope this helps, if you have further questions please let me know.

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        Christopher Steinbach
            5 years ago #15625

            Hi Chris,

            I would like to have such a BO. How do you provide it? A link to a repo would be nice.

            Why is such a functionality not already included as server action? Such a functionality is mandatory in many applications.

            I’ve also noticed that the API documentation for the USERS object is missing in the Simplifier documentation. I’m guessing that the User_BO is built on that Object?!

            Chris Bouveret
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              5 years ago #15632

              Hi there,

              you can create a new BusinessObject with the following Method: getCurrentUserRole and this code:

              var user = Simplifier.User.getCurrentUser();
              output.hasRole = false;
              if(user.roles) {
                  if(user.roles.length) {
            "Roles", JSON.stringify(user.roles));
                      for (var i = user.roles.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
                          if(user.roles[i].name === input.roleName) {
                              output.hasRole = true;
                  } else {
                      throw new Error("User has no Roles");
              } else {
                  throw new Error("User has no Roles");

              this code uses the input Parameter “roleName” as String and returns the output “hasRole” as boolean (true/false)

              It is based on the Simplifier BusinessObject Server API documented here

              Hope that helps

              Christopher Steinbach
                  5 years ago #15691

                  Thank you, that helps a lot.

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