Reset SimpleForm after submit

  • Finn Feldmann
        Has successfully completed the online course Introduction
      11 months ago #44296

      Hi everyone,

      I’m fairly new to Simplifier and I’m struggeling a little bit with understanding the logic in Simplifier Designer / Process Designer. I have build and Order-App. After submitting the filled order form I want to reset the the form so that all fields are empty again and I can make a new order. I can’t find a setting to reset the form? What is the way to go?

      Would be nice to get some hints.



      Jan-Niklas Böhnke
          Has successfully completed the online course Introduction
          Has successfully completed the online course Basics (100)
        11 months ago #44447

        Hi Finn,

        if you use a global variable in order to store your users input. You can simply reset

        this global variable after saving the previous entry into your DB. This you can do either via a UI Action shape or via script.


        Armin Winkler
            Has successfully completed the online course Introduction
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          11 months ago #44482

          Hi Finn,


          in addition to Jan-Niklas’s reply, I would differentiate two cases in general:


          • You don’t use property bindings to a variable in your form: In that case, the easiest way to reset all form fields after submission is to use a UI action that maps a constant empty string to all the ‘value’ or similar properties of the field widgets
          • You have all the input fields in your form bound to a variable (or possibly multiple variables): In that case, you can proceed as Jan-Niklas suggested, and empty that variable instead. This can be done via UI action in the same way as described above by mapping an empty string constant to the variable fields. I would generally recommend using the UI action for this approach as it does not require coding in JavaScript and it should be more efficient to configure it this way. Alternatively though, you can indeed also set the field widgets empty via scripting. You would then have to call the respective widget methods from OpenUI5


          If you are not satisfied with the proposed solutions, then please feel free to create a feature request in our Ideas portal so we can make dealing with this use case even easier for you. I think, a widget property on the level of the form itself that automatically empties all fields nested inside would be a valid and good improvement in our standard widget. We would appreciate if you create a feature request for it in our portal. Thank you in advance!


          Kind regards,



          Finn Feldmann
              Has successfully completed the online course Introduction
            10 months ago #44634

            Thanks Jan-Niklas Böhnke and Armin. I went the way Armin described and used the UI action that maps a constant empty string to all the ‘value’ or similar properties of the field widgets. This works for me. 🙂

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