How to use external libaries of type “module”
Christopher Steinbach
7 months ago #47489Hi Simplifier Community,
how can I use a external library that requires a script type “module”. Like for example pdfjs@v4 is now using js modules.
<script src=”//” type=”module”></script>
Is there an argument for Simplifier´s addScript-method to set the script type?
Out of the box addScript is not using module. This means you get an error “unexpected token export”.
Maybe there is a solution to create a custom script tag with a preload script loaded with addScript. But I don’t have a enough knowledge how simplifier bundes his libraries to implement such a solution.
Best Regards
Steffen Decker
Has successfully completed the online course Intermediate (200)
7 months ago #47514::Hi Christopher,
until we officially support static modules, you can also dynamically load modules via the official import() declaration. example when using import inside a Simplifier library:
import(“”).then((pdflib) => {
window.pdflib= pdflib;
});You can of course use the import function directly inside a client side business object, without exposing the loaded library as a window property.
Kind regards
SteffenChristopher Steinbach
7 months ago #47520::Hi Steffen,
thank you for this great idea. I think that does the trick for me.
Here’s my final solution for the latest pdfJS libarary using modules:
const fullLibPath =
).then((pdfjsLib) => {
window.pdfjsLib = pdfjsLib;
window.pdfjsLib.GlobalWorkerOptions.workerSrc =${fullLibPath}/pdf.worker.min.mjs
});I added the simplifier lib path to use the pdfjs lib uploaded to the simplifier server instead of the mozilla served lib.
Lukas Henninger
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