• Christian
        3 years ago #30128

        Hi all

        I would like to log errors that happen in my server-side business objects. Unfortunately, the error object is empty and I don’t know why. Here an example:

        try {
        var myVal = 5;
        } catch (e) {
        Simplifier.Log.error(“My error”, e);
        throw new Error(“Could not update”);

        The entry in the Simplifier log is there, but when I click on the “i” icon, I only see “Undefined” or “{}”. I would expect to get the error message from my connector call, e.g., if the SQL statement cannot be executed.

        Is there an error in my code?

        Thank you!

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          3 years ago #30129

          Hi Christian,

          Using Simplifier.Log.Error(“My error”, e.message) should give you the result you’re looking for.
          This is a bit counterintuitive and confusing but this is how the Error object in javascript works.
          You can find more information about the Error object here.

          Hope this helps!

          Best regards,

              3 years ago #30130

              Hi Dan,

              thank you very much! I expected that “e” behaves like in the Java world, i.e. being a regular object. Using the three attributes of e works great, thank you!

              Best regards


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