How to change Content-Type in a POST to make all types of Content-Type available
Alex K
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2 years ago #36525Simplifier just locks all other Content-Types out with its “postFormat”
How do I really declare the Content-Type to all possible MIME Types?
See here:
MIME_types/Common_typespostFormat currently only allows 4 different MIME types out of 72. Thats 5%.
Is there a way to override those 4 fixed Content-Types with any of the remaining 68?
Andreas Dallner
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Jennifer Häfner
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2 years ago #36573::Hey Alex,
As I also replied in this thread:, the REST Connector currently cannot cover all options for the mime types.
In these cases, we have to work with client-side XHR / ajax calls. If you want, you can leave a feature idea on our feature request portal:
Christopher Steinbach
1 year ago #39714::Hi Jennifer,
I have the same problem like Alex. I have to make a REST request with content-type “text/html”. A client-side ajax call is not an option, because the client shouldn’t have the sensible REST-API credentials. You also might get in trouble with CORS policy.
I saw that it is possible to set custom request headers. Why can’t this headers overwrite the default headers? Why is Simplifier making such a simple thing so hard?
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