expected field or array but got IntermediateJObject error
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1 year ago #37004On Deploy, I recieve the following error:
Error during Deployment: Error building files: Error rendering screen item Table_FileData on screen Screen_Upload: Could not parse rendered template as JSON: expected field or array but got IntermediateJObject(ListBuffer(JField(path,JString(variableHolder>/Items)), JField(template,JString(templateShareable)))) Near: ateShareable”: false
I am trying to load data from a CSV upload via the following process:
a CSBO parses the uploaded file -> on the CSBO ouput: set table row items as Global Variable and link to Table >> columns -> Populate rows in the Table.
When I set itemsTemplate to true on Table >> columns via the Designer tab, I revieve the error above when trying to deploy the changes.
Any thoughts?
Simplifier 5.5.126-LTS.122.
Alex K
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1 year ago #37366::What is the Function, that converts the csv to JSON doing exactly? Can you share the code?
It seems the JSON is either corrupt and cannot be parsed correctly. You might have a Problem with Datatypes and your Structs that you parse your JSON into at the BO. Is the Output of the BO set to “Any”?
If you have bindings to the fields via struct from a collection, I strongly suggest checking the JSON output Datatypes and the Struct Datatypes.
Also you have no need to set the Table to ItemsTemplate. You could also do it via Dataset binding if you have a bound collection.
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