Error in ODATA V2 connector wizard

  • Pablo
        3 years ago #29823

        Dear Simplifier team,

        we receive this SSLHandshalke error when trying  to create an ODATAV2 connector call through the wizard. The endpoint is a local odata service on other server.

        When connecting to the SAP Northwind Odata test service it works though. So the issue must be something with our certificate, but we can’t find what.

        It also works when calling our local Odataservice from a Rest Connector call, but only when allowing all certificates.

        Some help on this would be greatly appreciated, thank you

        Best regards



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        Armin Winkler
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          3 years ago #29825

          Hi Pablo,


          could you please try to open the certificate in question in your browser or the URL, respectively? A message should be displayed telling you that the certificate is invalid. Hopefully it will also give you a hint on what is the root cause of the problem and help you to fix it.




              3 years ago #29827

              Hi Armin,

              thank you for the feedback

              we fixed the problem by adding our self signed certificate from the odata service to the Java keystore.

              This is just a workaround, the real solution is probably to use a non-self signed certificate


              Best Regards

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