• Christian
        3 years ago #30171

        Hi all

        basically, I have a very easy thing to do: bring my app with all dependencies from D to Q. For this, I want to use the Transport functionality. Since the documentation is very high-level and rather explains what I see on the screen and not what happens behind (sorry ^^), I have to post this easy question in the forum: I assumed that Simplifier takes care for dependency handling, so when I say “bring my App from D to Q”, then Simplifier takes automatically all artefacts that I use in my App (Business Objects, Connectors, etc.), bundles them into a release and ships them to Q.

        BUT: In the docu I see that I have to select all the artefacts I want to be part of my release, which I do not understand. So, do I have to select all used Business Objects, Connectors etc. manually or is this done automatically by Simplifier?

        In addition, the difference between Package, Release, and Transport is not fully clear to me, especially between Package and Release.

        Thank you for your help!

        Jennifer Häfner
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          3 years ago #30206

          Hi Christian,

          When transporting an application, all artifacts that are referenced in the application (Business Objects, Connectors, Data Types etc.) are also included in the transport automatically.

          The only artifacts that you have to add to the transport manually are roles. When you create an app with the name ‘MyApplication’, Simplifier will automatically create a role which is called ‘AppMyApplication’ (so it’s always ‘App’ + Appname). This role is automatically added to the transport, too, because Simplifier can detect that it belongs to the application.

          However, if you use any other roles in the application (for example, to distinguish that some users are administrators and some users are ‘normal’ users), you have to add these roles to the transport manually.

          Regarding the difference between Packages/Transports/Releases: I think this knowledge base article describes it quite well: https://community.simplifier.io/knowledge/version-and-release-management-in-simplifier/
          Packages are compiled at runtime, which means that always the current version of the included artifacts is taken.
          Whereas Transports are fixed snapshots of the components, which means that the artifact version is taken from the time where the Transport was created.
          When you create a release for an application, a transport is always created automatically, so you can download different versions of your application.


          I hope this makes more clear how the Transport System works.

              3 years ago #30216

              Awesome, thank you very much, this helps a lot 🙂

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